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Digital Photography Lessons With Focus and Exposure

Now with the film cameras slowing falling into obscurity, a digital camera is starting to enter the scene. With you probably relatively new to this field, this is the correct article! We sill go on to more basic functions and concepts of your digital camera, as well as some controls to help you.

First Digital Photography Lessons:

Utilize your autofocus and auto exposure mode

With the fairly complicated process of aperture and shutter speed, coupled with the time consuming manual focusing, autofocus and auto exposure can indeed become a lifesaver. Professional photographers use manual mode, meaning, that they manually set their aperture and shutter speed to get an optimal image quality according to their project. Of course, manual mode does make better photos, with better knowledge of the control. So people who tweak the manual mode in a random way almost get bad images, even pure black and white at times. The auto exposure sets the shutter speed and aperture automatically to help you.

On the other hand, autofocus is also a function that would make your life easier. It works when you hold your shutter halfway, where you could see the focus actually occurring. The time it saves for you is not that significant, but if you are really rushing, it could help a lot.

Second Digital Photography Lessons:Have a steady hand and use your frame well

Shaky hands would not help if you are engaged in photography; The results would make you fringe, especially if you capture good subjects while your hands shakes - pictures would look blurry and will produce this "ghosting" effect, where the picture would appear double. Try as best as possible to have your hands steadied and use the grid on your frame to help you with the alignment.

Third Digital Photography Lessons:

Know your lens

Some photographers say that the lens is perhaps the best part of your camera. Which makes the question, which lens is the best for me? Well, the answer is - it depends. If you are a street photographer, use a zoom lens, for a great variability on focal points. If you are a landscape photographer, use those wide angled lenses, to capture the most area. Use macro lenses if you love to shoot insects, small subjects, and all minute objects. Then lastly, if you want to have the sharpest result as possible, use prime lenses. A prime lens does not have a zoom feature, so it means that they only have one focal point. But the good thing with prime lenses is that their glass is so wide opened that they provide for a greater depth of field as compared to other lenses.

Fourth Digital Photography Lessons:

Post process most of your photos and try to use the raw format

The very essence of digital photography is the post processing method. This method enables you to tweak your photos and set your desired color. You could even adjust the grid, contrast, brightness, clarity, darkness, and almost every perspective of your image. To achieve better results, shoot in raw format so the gamma levels as well as the color levels are at the largest, which provides for a more extensive contrast and sharpness.

Fifth Digital Photography Lessons:

Equipments do matter

To maximize your shooting experience, purchase some equipment to assist you. Tripods are used for long exposure shoots, speed lights for more options on your lighting, umbrella for light manipulation, water proof case for underwater shots, battery grip for doubled battery life, and a lot more accessories to make your photographer life easier.

These 5 basic Digital Photography Lessons would definitely set your fundamental skills. Remember, good fundamentals enable a photographer to advance to greater levels.   


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